Hello good soul,
I recently enrolled in world-expert Jonathan Robinson's Healing on MDMA course, with a view to becoming a guide for people to undergo therapeutic journeys on MDMA. If you are curious to find out more about how this works, this month's article is a review of his book Ecstasy as Medicine, which essentially outlines all you need to know about engaging in MDMA therapy.
If you are interested in exploring working with me as a guide upon completion of my training in April, you can reach me at ronanloughney@gmail.com.
If you feel you received something of value from reading this newsletter and would like to support me to produce more of the same, you can contribute here: https://www.ronanloughney.com/support-me, or by sharing the email or this link with anyone you think might like it.
🧠The World Inside: My insights and approaches in Psychology, Spirituality and personal growth
Ecstasy as Medicine: We may be undergoing the most profound shift in supporting people's psychological healing in history. Read about the process here.
📖 To read: Books and articles that have opened my mind or taught me something new
Our Unspoken Future: I like Tom Morgan's writing. He comes from a place of rational-spirituality and discusses potentially esoteric concepts in a common-sense way. He discusses the need for a society-wide shift to a more 'right hemisphere dominant' view of the world. If that doesn't mean anything to you, read on!
🎙️To listen: Podcasts on self-development and healing
Personalising psychedelic integration: For those interested in psychedelics, and especially if you've ever had a bad trip, this podcast explores the importance of targeted integration with Health Psychologist and psychedelic integration expert Marc Aixalà.
🤪Playtime: Just for fun
Febrile: Hope you're feeling feb-ulous