Hello good soul,
Long time no write at you! Summer innit.
This one's about the scourge of binary thinking and the solution found in an iterative approach to life.
If you feel you received something of value from reading this newsletter and would like to support me to produce more of the same, you can contribute here: https://www.ronanloughney.com/support-me, or by sharing the email or this link with anyone you think might like it.
🌱Apotheosis: REBIRTH
At Apotheosis, we've been hard at work reimagining what a plant medicine retreat can be. We have designed a modern-day rite of passage, to move you from the perennial stuckness so many of us experience into the adult and leader you dream of being.
Find out more https://apotheosisretreat.com/rebirth
🤪Playtime: Just for fun
Summer 2024: A bumper playlist. Before the Summer's out!