No One Else Knows
No one else knows
the shade of shadow
seen behind your eyes
when the colour spools
and mingles with your memories
No one else knows
why the joke tickles some soft part of you
which having been discovered
wants to dance beneath the light
No one else knows
the little bitter words which slid into your heart
like the love that they denied,
the times your heart was like a child
with opened hands
slapped down by blind and wicked figures
which had forgotten they were once a child themselves
No one else knows the silent victories
you reap each day,
the frontiers of the self you overcome,
the private civil wars you conduct and arbitrate,
aggressor, vassal, peacemaker, victim,
none of the above,
The tiny acts of rebellion against a soul corrupted by a world of surface occupations
which denies its own existence
No one else knows the patiently seen sunset,
which lingers long
reminding you of timeless time before social abstractions,
where each moment spent in quiet contemplation
is a tiny step towards the reclamation of a harmony we have learnt to think never existed
No one else knows the quivering animal
which eyes you from the corner of its cage,
taught by the world to mistrust others and itself,
which only the most patient acts of love can call back home to you
No one knows but you,
and the only work you have to do is know
Making space in your heart for every part of you you handed to another
asking them for love
when it was your own love you sought.
Look upon this fractured thing which is yourself with familiar eyes.
This is the first stirrings of love,
which is the light by which we really see,
through which we are already seeing,
through which we learn to remember through the depths it lights inside